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Hvordan bliver jeg nødbehandler



Hvis du bor i en radius af max 5 km. til enten Vig eller Gørlev, kan du melde dig til informationsaften, som bliver afholdt af Vestsjællands Brandvæsen og høre mere om ordningen.

Når du bliver nødbehandler tager du et kursus i udvidet førstehjælp, som klæder dig på til at løfte opgaven som nødbehandler.

Det er ikke et krav at du i forvejen er, eller i fremtiden bliver tilknyttet Vestsjællands Brandvæsen. Brandvæsenet står udelukkende for administration og yderligere uddannelse af dig som nødbehandler.








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Before entering this website we kindly ask you to decide which Cookies you wish to consent to.

From the List below you can read more about the cookies used on this website. If you wish to withdraw or edit your consent you are welcome to do so by clicking the icon in the left corner on your screen.


About cookies

What are cookies?

Cookies are files created by sites you visit via your computer, tablet or smartphone. They save information on your browser about your visit to our site or other sites. They do not contain any viruses or other malware.

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies to:

  • make sure our site works properly for you 
  • help us understand how you are using our site, so we can make your online experience better.
  • help us personalise the site to you by remebering which page, information and function you have visited

How long will the cookies be stored?

The amount of time cookies are stored varies depending on its purpose. You may read more about information storage by clicking the icon on the left-hand side of your screen.

Can I delete cookies?

You can delete cookies from sites you have visited anytime you want by changing your preferences and settings. Be aware that changing settings in your browser may have an influence on your online experience. 

You can read more about how to manage and delete cookies from your browser below: